Provide first aid

The unit of competency HLTAID003 Provide first aid describes the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance. It applies to all workers who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
Course Duration
- 2 days in the classroom OR
- 1 day practical in the classroom with prior online learning
There are no pre-requisites.
On successful completion, participants will receive a nationally recognised statement of attainment in HLTAID003 Provide first aid, valid for three (3) years from the completion date. The Code of Practice and Australian Resuscitation Council recommends that cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills are refreshed annually.
Pre-Course Online Learning
Pre-course learning material for the course is available online. Participants must have access to a computer, phone, tablet etc with access to the internet to complete the pre-course online learning.
Only participants who have successfully completed the pre-course learning and have their certificate of completion will be admitted into the face to face training session.
Entry Requirements
Students must have the physical ability to provide resuscitation by kneeling on the floor and performing two (2) minutes of uninterrupted CPR on an adult and infant manikin.
Students under the age of 18 years will be required to provide a signed parental consent form prior to attending the course.
Learner Support and Reasonable Adjustment
If you have a learning difficulty or any special needs or support requirements please contact us prior to enrolment. This may include but not limited to language, literacy and numeracy skills or disabilities. It’s important to note that there is a physical requirement to complete 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor with a manikin.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is available to those who can provide other evidence that they can demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and experience described by the unit. There is a currency requirement to be able to demonstrate skills such as CPR.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Every student requires a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to obtain a certificate or qualification from their registered training organisation when studying a nationally recognised training course in Australia.
A USI gives you access to an online account that keeps all your training records together, even if you move locations, change training organisations or undertake studies at different times in your life. For more information ask your training organisation or visit
ASSESSMENT – THEORY – Multiple choice question paper
- ARC Guidelines relevant to the provision of CPR
- Safe work practices to minimise risks and potential hazards
- Infection control principles and procedures, including use of standard precautions
- Requirements for currency of skill and knowledge
- Awareness of potential need for stress-management techniques and available support following an emergency situation
- Duty of care requirements
- Respectful behaviour towards a casualty
- Own skills and limitations
- Privacy and confidentiality requirements
- Importance of debriefing
- Airway obstruction due to body position
- Appropriate duration and cessation of CPR
- Appropriate use of an AED
- Chain of survival
- Standard precautions
- How to conduct a visual and verbal assessment of the casualty
- Abdominal injuries
- Allergic reaction
- Anaphylaxis
- Basic care of the wound
- Bleeding control
- Burns
- Cardiac conditions, including chest pain
- Choking and airway obstruction
- Crush injuries
- Diabetes
- Dislocations
- Drowning
- Envenomation
- Environment impact, including hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydrations and heat stroke
- Eye and ear injuries
- Fractures
- Febrile convulsions
- Head, neck and spinal injuries
- Minor skin injuries
- Needle stick injuries
- Poisoning and toxic substances
- Respiratory distress, including asthma
- Seizures, including epilepsy
- Shock
- Soft tissue injuries, including strains and sprains
- Stroke
- Unconsciousness
- How to recognise a person is not breathing
- Chest
- Response/consciousness
- Upper airway and effect of positional change
- Considerations in provision of first aid for specified conditions
ASSESSMENT PRACTICAL – Practical tasks and scenario demonstrations
The simulated assessment environments will reflect the real-life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. Skills must be demonstrated by the student working individually in an environment that provides realistic in-depth, industry-validated scenarios and simulations to assess students’ skills and knowledge.
The assessable practical skills are listed below.
You will be assessed on performing first aid scenario and task demonstrations for:
- DRSABCD & recovery position
- Infant CPR & Adult CPR & defibrillation
- Anaphylaxis & autoinjector
- Asthma & medication
- Choking
- Bleeding, shock, head injuries, fractures
- Envenomation – pressure immobilisation technique for a snake bite
Course Resources
The following learning resources are provided to participants in this course.
- Online ‘Fun with First Aid’ Flipbook
- Adult and infant resuscitation manikins
- AED training device
- Adrenaline autoinjector training device
- Placebo bronchodilator and spacer device
- Roller and triangular bandages
- Workplace first aid kit
- Workplace injury, trauma and/or illness record, and/or other appropriate workplace incident report form
Course Features
- Duration 9 hours
- Time
- Day of week
- Skill level
- Available Seats